30 Days of Covid

An Exploration of Light, Form and Myself in Nature

The unfolding Corona crisis is posing some unprecedented challenges to each one of us separately as well as to our society as a whole, and everyone is dealing with the situation in their own way.

Like many other solo entrepreneurs out there, I can’t do my regular work and I had to postpone a major project until further notice. So in order to maintain a daily routine and to keep my sanity, I started this little series.

Each day, I take a picture with myself as the only (human) subject and post it in my Instagram stories, working with natural materials wherever possible and visiting my favorite places in the immediate surroundings of my home.

With the overall theme of reconnecting to the land that sustains us, I chose a conceptual approach leaving room for interpretation, thus confronting the viewer with their own perception of things.

All images are shot with the Canon 5D3 and 50mm, natural light only.

More about each image's story and meaning:

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© Grit Siwonia